This module introduces the difference-in-differences identification strategy. We review the basic setup and assumptions necessary for the diff-in-diff estimator to provide a valid estimate of the causal effect. We also survey some of the seminal early applications of diff-in-diff estimation to social policy.
Impact Evaluation in Practice, first edition: Chapter 6
Ignaz Semmelweis: the “Savior of Mothers”
A handout version of the lecture slides is available here.
Lecture 4.1 Intro to Difference-in-Differences Estimation (6:56)
Lecture 4.2 Diff-in-Diff Pioneers (21:19)
Lecture 4.3 Identifying Assumptions for Diff-in-Diff Estimation (13:10)
Lecture 4.4 Diff-in-Diff Examples (20:42)
The stata version of the empirical exercise is available here.
The R version of the empirical exercise is available here.
The python version of the empirical exercise is available here.