February 7: Introduction to the Course
February 10, 12, 14: Selection Bias and the Experimental Ideal
February 24, 26, 28: 2x2 Difference-in-Differences (DD I)
March 3, 5, 7: Diff-in-Diff in Panel Data (DD III)
March 10, 12, 14: Two-Way Fixed Effects (DD III)
April 7, 9, 11: Treatment-on-the-Treated
April 14, 16, 18: Instrumental Variables
April 21, 23, 25: Regression Discontinuity
April 28: Randomization in Practice
There is no class on March 17, 19, and 21 and on May 12, 14, and 16, as we will be doing one-on-one Stata/R/Python skills assessments.