Last updated 2025.
This exercise makes use of the data set Card-Krueger-1994-data.dta, which was first used in the paper Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania by David Card and Alan Krueger, published in the American Economic Review in 1994. The authors examine the impacts of a change in New Jersey’s minumum wage law that took effect in April of 1992.
For this assignment, you will produce a replication and extension of Card and Krueger’s analysis. Specifically, you will be replicating Table 2 as well as portions of Tables 3 and 4. In addition, you will need to produce one table of additional analysis - either a replication of a specification (or multiple specifications) that appears later in the paper, or new analysis of your own devising. More original and/or challenging extensions will receive more credit.
Details of the assignment are available here. This
paper template provides a suggested structure for your write-up. Your empirical results
must be nicely formatted, and your do files should replicate your tables (both the results and the layout). Guidance
on exporting tables from stata to word (or excel or latex) is available here. You can find
some additional tips (not curated by me) on writing economics papers here.