ECON 523

photo: World Bank/Peter Kapuscinski (2015)

Pamela Jakiela


Empirical Exercise 4

In this exercise, we’re going to replicate the difference-in-differences analysis from Does a ban on informal health providers save lives? Evidence from Malawi by Professor Susan Godlonton and Dr. Edward Okeke. The authors estimate the impact of Malawi’s 2007 ban on traditional birth attendants (TBAs) on a range of birth outcomes. At the end of the exercise, we’ll export our regression results to word using the esttab command. An overview of the use of esttab is available here.

You can access the in-class activity as a do file or pdf.

You can also access the empirical exercise as a do file or pdf.

Getting Started

The data set E4-GodlontonOkeke-data.dta contains information (from the 2010 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey) on 19,680 live births between July 2005 and September 2010. Each observation represents a birth. Create a do file that opens the data set in Stata. Your standard code for starting a do file should look something like:

clear all
set more off
cd "C:\mypath\E4-DD2"
use "C:\mypath\E4-DD2\E5-GodlontonOkeke-data.dta"

In-Class Activity

Question 1

To implement difference-in-differences, we need:

The post variable is already present in the data set. What is the mean of the post variable? What fraction of the observations in the data set occur in the post-treatment period?

Question 2

The time variable indicates the month and year in which a birth took place. If you type the command desc time you’ll see the following output:


Notice that the time variable is formatted in Stata’s date format: it is stored as a number, but appears as a month and year when you describe or tabulate it.

Question 3

Use the command

tab time post

to see how Professor Godlonton and Dr. Okeke define the post-treatment time period in their analysis. What is the first treated month?

Question 4

We need to define an indicator for the treatment group. Professor Godlonton and Dr. Okeke define the treatment group as DHS clusters (i.e. communities) that were at or above the 75th percentile in terms of use of TBAs prior to the ban. Data on use of TBAs comes from responses to the question below:


Responses have been converted into a set of different variables representing the different types of attendants who might have been present at the birth. Tabulate (using the tab command) the m3g variable, which indicates whether a woman indicated that a TBA was present at a birth. What pattern of responses do you observe?

Question 5

We want to generate a dummy variable that is equal to one if a TBA was present at a particular birth, equal to zero if a TBA was not present, and equal to missing if a woman did not answer the question about TBAs.

There are several different ways to do this in Stata. One is to use the recode command:

recode m3g (9=.), gen(tba)

This generates a new variable, tba, that is the same as the m3g variable except that tba is equal to missing for all observations where m3g is equal to 9. It is usually better to generate a new variable instead of modifying the variables in your raw data set, because you don’t want to make mistakes that you cannot undo.

Question 6

Confirm that your new variable, tba, is a dummy variable. Use the command

tab tba, m

to tabulate the observed values of tba (the m option tells Stata to tabulate the number of missing values in addition to the other values).

Question 7

We want to generate a treatment dummy - an indicator for DHS clusters where use of TBAs was at or above the 75th percentile prior to the ban. How should we do it? The variable dhsclust is an ID number for each DHS cluster. How many clusters are there in the data set?

Question 8

We can use the egen command to generate a variable equal to the mean of another variable, and we can use egen with the bysort option to generate a variable equal to the mean within different groups:

bysort dhsclust:  egen meantba = mean(tba)

Question 9

However, this tells us the mean use of TBAs within a DHS cluster over the entire sample period, but we only want a measure of the mean in the pre-ban period. How can we modify the code above to calculate the level of TBA use prior to the ban?

Question 10

Summarize your meantba variable using the detail or d option after the sum command so that you can calculate the 75th percentile of TBA use in the pre-ban period. As we’ve seen in earlier exercises, you can use the return list command to see which locals are saved when you run the summarize command. Define a local macro cutoff equal to the 75th percentile of the variable meantba. Then immediately create a new variable high_exposure that is an indicator for DHS clusters where the level of TBA use prior to the ban exceeded the cutoff we just calculated.

Question 11

At this point, meantba is only non-missing for births (ie observations) in the pre-treatment period. Modify the code so that you only define high_exposure for births where the meantba variable is non-missing. Then we need to replace the missing values of high_exposure in the post-treatment period with the correct ones (based on the values in the same cluster in the pre-treatment period). Here are three lines of code that will fix it:

bys dhsclust:  egen maxtreat = max(high_exposure)
replace high_exposure = maxtreat if high_exposure==. & post==1 & tba!=.
drop maxtreat

Question 12

Tabulate your high_exposure variable to make sure that it is only missing for observations with the tba variable missing. What is the mean of high_exposure?

Question 13

The last variable we need to conduct difference-in-differences analysis is an interaction between our treatment variable, high_exposure, and the post variable. Generate such a variable. I suggest calling it highxpost. You should also label your three variables: high_exp, post, and highxpost.

Question 14

Now you are ready to run a regression. Regress the tba dummy on high_exp, post, and highxpost. What is the difference-in-differences estimate of the treatment effect of the TBA ban on use of informal birth attendants? How do your results compare to those in Table 5, Panel A, Column 1 of the paper?

Question 15

You are using the same data as Professor Godlonton and Dr. Okeke, so you should be able to replicate their coefficient estimates and standard errors exactly. Have you done it?


Read the notes below Table 5. See if you can modify your regression command so that your results are precisely identical to those in the paper.

Empirical Exercise

Start by generating a new do file that loads E4-GodlontonOkeke-data.dta and uses your answers to the in-class activity to generate and labels the variables needed to replicate Column 1 of Table 5.

Question 1: Replicating Column 1 from Tables 5 and 6

Part (a)

Estimate a difference-in-differences specification that replicates Table 5, Panel A, Column 1. Store your results using the eststo command.

Part (b)

Now replicate Table 5, Panel B, Column 1 (the same specification with the sba dummy as the outcome variable) and store your results.

Part (c)

Recode the m3h variable to generate a dummy for having a friend or relative as the birth attendant. Use this variable to replicate Table 6, Panel A, Column 1. Store your results.

Part (d)

Now generate a variable alone that is equal to one minus the maximum of the tba, sba, and friend variables. Use this variable to replicate Table 6, Panel B, Column 1. Store your results.

Part (e)

Now export your results to word as a nicely formatted table. Report the R-squared for each specification, and do not report coefficients on the district and time fixed effects (use the indicate option to report which columns include fixed effects, or indicate which fixed effects are used in the table notes). Report standard errors rather than t-statistics. Make sure all variables and columns are clearly labeled, and that your labels are not cut off (because they are too long).

Next, assess the validity of the common trends assumption by replicating the first two columns of Table 2 (we don’t have the outcome data needed to replicate Columns 3 and 4).

Part (a)

Drop the observations from after the ban was in place. Then generate a trend variable by using the egen command’s group option (with the time variable). The egen option group creates a variable indicating the different groups (or values) of the time variable. So, in the example below, the egen command would generate a trend variable as follows:

time trend
Jul05 1
Jul05 1
Jul05 1
Aug05 2
Aug05 2
Oct05 3
Oct05 3

Notice that egen is just counting off the groups defined by the time variable: there are no observations from September of 2005 in the example above, so October 2005 is the third group (ie the egen command is not telling us how many months have passed since the start of the data set).

If you tab time in our actual data, you will see that there aren’t any missing months, so the trend variable does also tell us how many months an observation is from the earliest observations in the data set - but that is because of the particular structure of this data.

Once you’ve generated the trend variable, interact it with the high_exposure variable, and label everything.

Part (b)

Replicate columns 1 and 2 from Table 2 to the best of your ability (note:
they will not replicate perfectly). Store your coefficient estimates.

Part (c)

Export your results to word as a nicely formatted table (all of the guidance from Question 1 still applies).

Additional Activities

If you are looking for ways to expand your program evaluation skills further, extend your answer to Question 1 by including district-specific time trends, as Professor Godlonton and Dr. Okeke do in Columns 4 through 6 of Tables 5 and 6. Alternatively, you can replicate the main analysis using a continuous measure of treatment intensity: the interaction between the level of TBA use prior to the ban and the post dummy. Generate this new treatment variable using your existing meantba variable (which, unfortunately, is missing for all observations in the post-ban period), and then estimate regressions that control for DHS cluster and time fixed effects (warning: this will give your computer a bit of a workout). How do the results from these alternative specifications compare to those reported in the paper?

This exercise is part of the module Diff-in-Diff in Panel Data.