R sandbox

photo: World Bank/Peter Kapuscinski (2015)

Pamela Jakiela


Empirical Exercise 2, Part 1

Like Empirical Exercise 1, this exercise makes use of the data set E1-CohenEtAl-data.dta, a subset of the data used in the paper Price Subsidies, Diagnostic Tests, and Targeting of Malaria Treatment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial by Jessica Cohen, Pascaline Dupas, and Simone Schaner, published in the American Economic Review in 2015. The authors examine behavioral responses to various discounts (“subsidies”) for malaria treatment, called “artemisinin combination therapy” or “ACT.” An overview of the randomized evalaution is available here.

This exercise has three objectives. The first is to review the idea of selection bias by showing that individuals who choose to take up a treatment (in this case, artemisinin combination treatment, or ACT, for malaria) often differ from those who do not take up treatment (when treatment is not randomized). In doing so, we will also review the different approaches to testing whether the mean of a(n outcome) variable is the same in two groups (defined by another variable).

Please upload your answers to gradescope after completing the exercise. You can also download the entire activity as an R Script.

Getting Started

We can use the same code that we used in Empirical Exercise 1 to load the data (let’s call it E2data this time):

fileUrl <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pjakiela/IE-in-R/gh-pages/E1-CohenEtAl-data.csv"
E2data <- read_csv(url(fileUrl))

You can create a new R Script that begins with this code, or you can copy your code from Exercise 1. Make sure that you save your R Script in an appropriate folder; you will probably also want to add a setwd() (set working directory, like we did in Exercies 1) command so that any output generated by your Script goes to a place where you can find it later.

The variable act_any is a treatment dummy equal to 1 for observations in the treatment group and equal to zero otherwise. The variable c_act is an indicator for having used ACT when they last had malaria. The data set also includes several variables capturing the baseline (i.e. pre-treatment) characteristics of the households in the sample. These variables all begin with b_. Familiarize yourself with these variables by typing


Empirical Exercise

We are going to test whether individuals in the control group who use ACT when they have malaria (i.e. individuals with c_act==1) differ from those in the control group who do not use ACT (i.e. those with c_act==0) in terms of observable characteristics. To focus on individuals in the control group, we’ll want to restrict ourselves to data points with act_any==0 when answer the following questions. R makes this extremely simple; we can just create a new data frame that only contains observations with act_any == 0 by typing

E2_control <- E2data[E2data$act_any == 0, ]

Now, we can just use E2_control as our data frame, ignoring E2data.

Question 1

Use the t.test() function with the var.equal parameter set to TRUE (i.e. t.test(y ~ x, var.equal = TRUE)) to test whether individuals in the control group who use ACT when they have malaria (i.e. individuals with c_act==1) differ from those in the control group who do not use ACT when they have malaria in terms of the educational attainment of their head of household. What R command would you use to do this?

Question 2

What is the mean level of (household head) educational attainment among individuals in the control group who did not use ACT the last time they had malaria?

Question 3

What is the mean level of (household head) educational attainment among individuals in the control group who did use ACT the last time they had malaria?

Question 4

What is the standard deviation of the level of (household head) educational attainment among individuals in the control group who did use ACT the last time they had malaria?

Question 5

Is there a statistically significant difference in educational attainment between those (in the control group) who used ACT the last time they had malaria and those who did not? What is the p-value associated with this hypothesis test?

Question 6

What is the estimated difference in educational attainment between those (in the control group) who used ACT the last time they had malaria and those who did not?

Question 7

What is the standard error associated with the estimated difference in educational attainment between those (in the control group) who used ACT the last time they had malaria and those who did not? To find this, just tack $stderr onto the end of your t.test() command from question 1 (i.e. t.test(y ~ x, var.equal = TRUE)$stderr).

Question 8

To understand where this standard error comes from, remember that the mean value of b_h_edu among people who do (or do not) have c_act==1 is a random variable, as is the difference in means between those who have c_act==1 and those who have c_act==0. The variance of the difference of two independent random variables is the sum of their individual variances. Here, our estimator of the variance of the difference in b_h_edu between those with c_act==1 and those with c_act==0 is the sum of the variances of the subgroup means; the estimated variance of each subgroup mean is the square of the estimated standard error. If you used the results of your t.test() function to calculate the standard error of the difference in means “by hand” (by which I mean, using R to do arithmetic instead of using the t.test() function), what answer would you arrive at?

Question 9

If you have answered Question 8 correctly, you might be wondering why the standard error you just calculated differs (slightly) from the one reported by the t.test() function. The answer is that our “by hand” calculation did not assume that the variance of b_h_edu was the same in both groups, but R’s t.test() function imposes that assumption when the var.equal parameter is set to TRUE. Trying redoing your t.test(), removing the var.equal parameter (i.e. t.test(y ~ x)). This will automatically set var.equal to FALSE, as FALSE is its default value. What is the estimated standard error on the difference in means now? It should match your answer to Question 8.

Question 10

We can also test whether the mean of a variable (b_h_edu) is the same in two groups by regressing it on a dummy characterizing the two groups. What command would you use to regress b_h_edu on c_act, restricting the sample to the control group in the RCT? Try using the feols() function from the fixest package that we loaded here instead of R’s standard lm() function. It was designed for economists, and it’ll make your life much easier! The basic syntax you should use is

feols(y ~ x, data = your_data_frame)

Question 11

When you run this regression, what is the estimated coefficient on c_act?

Question 12

What is the estimated standard error associated with the coefficient on c_act?

Question 13

How does the standard error from your regression compare to the standard error you got when you used the t.test() command?

Question 14

When we run a simple OLS regression, R assumes that errors are homoskedastic (the variance of the error term does not vary across observations). As an alternative, we can add vcov = "hetero" as a parameter of our feols() function (i.e. feols(y ~ x, data = your_data_frame, vcov = "hetero")) to tell R to calculate heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors (which are the default in most applied microeconomic research). Rerun your regression with the new vcov parameter. What is the estimated standard error associated with the coefficient on c_act now?

Question 15

You might (quite reasonably) be surprised to learn that the standard error reported after an OLS regression with robust standard errors is not the same as the one we calculated ourselves using the formula. So, now we have three different standard errors! The robust standard error from Question 14 differs from the standard error that you calculated by hand in Question 8 because of a degrees of freedom correction – Stata’s robust standard errors are but one of several different variants of the Huber-Eicker-White heteoskedasticity robust standard error. Type

feols(b_h_edu ~ c_act, data = E2_control, vcov = "HC1")

and confirm that your standard error matches the answer to Question 8. What is that standard error?

This exercise is part of Module 2: Selection Bias and the Experimental Ideal.